Beef cattle feed

We produce premium Czech feeds, which can be complete or complementary in cattle feeding. We offer a comprehensive bovine diet program tailored to the specific needs of your breeding.

Choose the cattle feed


Why hydrothermal flocking in a cattle nutrition?

A constant pressure on animal productivity increase is reflected in increased animal need to absorb high amount of feed nutrients. The principle of hydrothermal flocking is based on the natural processes:

  • Heat-treated grain is more digestible
  • Healthy digestion means overall better health
  • Healthy digestion means great energy intake
  • More energy means more milk or high increments
  • The breeding economy is significantly growing, while preserving or improving animal health

The condition is a convenient incorporation into the feed ratio.

More about hydrothermic feeds

Ask for advice

Each breed is specific. Someone wants the quickest gains, someone the highest yield of milk, someone wants to lower the price of the feed ration, and someone else is worried about the health and uneven growth of youngsters. Properly selected feed can help you achieve excellent results of your breeding. 

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